Live Broadcasts

Birleşim Mühendislik Board Chairman Mesut Altan Ekotürk live broadcast guest 03.07.2024

Mesut Altan, Chairman of the Board of Birleş Mühendislik, guest of Info Yatırım live broadcast

Mesut Altan, Chairman of the Board of Birleş Mühendislik, guest of Bloomberg live broadcast 30.11.2022

Mesut Altan, Chairman of the Board of Birleş Mühendislik, guest of Bloomberg live broadcast 17 05 2022

Birleşim Mühendislik Chairman Mesut Altan A Para live broadcast guest 07 04 2022

9th Construction and Housing Conference Birleşim Müh. Board Member İbrahim Biner

Mesut Altan, Chairman of the Board of Birlesim Muhendislik, Guest of Bloomberg Live Stream 21 01 2022

Birleşim Müh. Chairman Mesut Altan EKOTÜRK Main news bulletin is live on 09.12.2021

Birleşim Müh. Chairman Mesut Altan, Guest of Bloomberg live broadcast 22.10.2021

Birleşim Müh. Chairman Mesut Altan A Para live broadcast guest 14.10.2021

Birleşim Müh. Chairman Mesut Altan was the guest of Bloomberg HT Investment Club. 20.08.2021

Birleşim Müh. Chairman Mesut Altan A was the guest of the program "Money Economy Notes". 06.07.2021